

For fans of the young-adult series "The Hunger Games," this is a banner week. The film version opens to U.S. audiences this coming Friday, and the cast has been on a global tour for the last week at official premieres in cities around the world.

It struck me when I looked at this photo from the German premiere a couple of days ago that the dresses worn by Elizabeth Banks, left (who plays Effie Trinket), and Jennifer Lawrence (who plays heroine Katniss Everdeen in the film and is in a hand-draped lace frock by Marchesa here) look like they could stand in for the flame dress that Katniss wears in the story -- at least, judging by their color they could.

The flame dress proved a particular challenge for costume designer Judianna Makovsky. I mean, how do you design a dress that's going to burst into flames without hurting the wearer? Los Angeles Times Fashion Critic Booth Moore talked with Makovsky and found out the answer to this as well as other considerations that went into costuming the populace of the dystopian universe of "The Hunger Games." Moore writes about it in this week's Image section.

I have a hunch that the costumes, as well as hairstyles and makeup in the movie, are going to spark some trends we'll be seeing plenty of this spring and summer on the streets of Los Angeles.

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